A few weeks ago we traveled to Ohio with Adam's family to visit his dad's side of the family. It was his grandmother's 90th birthday, and we celebrated at a cute Italian restaurant. It was lots of fun and just starting to get warm outside, so all in all, a good time :)
Last weekend, Adam and I hosted Easter dinner at our house -- the first holiday we've ever hosted. I was a little worried, but everything went really well. Both sets of parents and our three brothers came over for ham, cheesy potatoes, rolls, green beans... mmmm. Unfortunately I didn't take pictures.
Our next trip will be next weekend (April 16) when we head up to Ann Arbor to visit Becky and Sam!! We haven't had a chance to hang out with them much recently since we're so far apart now, so it will be super fun to see them.
April 16 is also the start of an energy credit program sponsored by the state of Illinois. They are giving 15% off Energy Star appliances, so we are going to go ahead and get a new refrigerator and dishwasher for our kitchen. I'm SO excited for them! We bought a new stove when we moved in, but the house still has its original fridge/dishwasher (circa 1991....).

Unfortunately, because of the program, we can't officially buy them until the 16th, which means it'll still be a little while before they are installed. But we've got them all picked out! :)
Finally, Adam's Aunt Vicky and cousin Stephanie came down to visit ISU last weekend (Stephanie is a high school junior, so she's starting her college search). They stayed with us for a night, and were tormented by the cats. I swear, Jack and Marble are getting more wild/ridiculous. But are still extremely entertaining!