I apologize for not posting on here in forever... hope people are still around to read it! Sorry guys.
SO many things have been happening lately that I don't even know where to start. On the house front, things have been moving quite slowly. We had a home inspection at the beginning of the month, which of course revealed some problems with the house. I guess that is what they are there for, but it still wasn't very fun. There was a foundation issue and an electrical system that was much more outdated than we had expected, so we then went back to the sellers and asked them if they would be willing to fix several (expensive) things. They finally got back to us today, and their Realtor was very vague about what they would be willing to do. It's just frustrating, because now we have to go back and ask more questions, wait, probably ask even more questions, wait, and then decide if we even want this house or not anymore. I knew these things were not easy, but this is much more complicated than I had expected.
This weekend I am heading up to Arlington Heights for Becky's bachelorette party (an all-day Saturday event!), and our wedding summer continues with weddings the first two weekends in September: first, Becky and Sam; and second, Adam's cousin Paul and his fiancee Sara. (She'll be Sara Julian! But, I was the first... ;)
Both of us have been extra busy at our jobs this week; several people in Adam's office have been out this week, and almost everyone in mine will be gone next week. They've been trying to train me on things ahead of time so I can take over all sorts of tasks while people are out. I hope I picked everything up, since there will basically be no one else to ask when I get in on Monday!
My brother Tyler and Adam's brother Bryan both moved in to Illinois State University this afternoon; they both will be sophomores this year. On Monday, my younger brother Ben moves in at the University of Illinois for his first year of college. Lots of moving lately!! Adam ended up helping a lot with Bryan, but luckily I think I'm getting out of moving either one of my brothers, since they chose to move during times that I am working :)
Unfortunately, Adam's (maternal) grandmother got very sick recently, and after talking with his family tonight he decided to drop everything and go straight up to Rockford to see her. She's not been in great health for a while, but it seemed like things changed suddenly. Right now, we're not sure how long she will make it.
I think that is about everything that has been going on lately... sort of a hodge-podge of stuff. It's been a really stressful time for both of us. We are just looking forward to a time when everything will settle down a little.